Philosophy, Faith, and Theology
On this specific blog, I want to express my various faith journeys and where they have taken me. God is such a complex subject, and I have gone through so many transitions and changes that it is such a blessing to be able to share my story with others. Thanks for being here. ♡
Living Incarnationally
In this short essay, I express where my religious life has been, and what it means to “live Incarnationally.”
Peace Within, Gratitude, and St. Thérèse
In this work, I express where I have been in life recently, gratitude, along with my deep love for God.
Here, I explain an acronym that has profound meaning in my life. The original version is Hathtshyanlg, but the abridged one is Shyan.
My Experience with Salt Company
In this essay, I talk about getting more deeply involved with Jesus through Salt Company, a local college ministry.
Welcome to Chaos Theory
I talk about how the Butterfly Effect may be having much more of an impact on people’s lives than they may realize, in this short essay.
My Journey to Christian Agnosticism
In this post, I document my recent philosophical and theological journey into Christian Agnosticism. It has been a fulfilling experience full of depth and sincere critical thinking.
Embracing Healthy Christianity
Religion itself is very complex. In this article, I hope to show you that it is possible to have a healthy relationship with God in a non-fundamentalist way, and show that Christianity can be very beautiful.
Find more of my inspiration below.
Below, you will find the link to my faith and self-love Instagram page, where I post about things related to Christianity, self-care, positive affirmations, beautiful poetry, and deep thoughts I want to share with the world. ♥︎