A little bit about my little life
☾ I love words. I love writing them and reading them. They are beautiful. ☽
Words have changed my life, and my writing has been my little piece of the universe. The one thing that is mine.
On the 26th of April in 2021, an idea came into my mind to create something, so I did. It was called Samantha’s Creative Writing Corner. It was honestly terrible at the start. I had no vision. My blog was messy, my opinions unclear, and my voice unfounded. I felt very uninspired and focused on the wrong things. My life got busy, and then I moved away to attend my university, seven hours from my home. That is when my life really changed. I took two theology classes and one philosophy class that served as a catalyst for my critical thinking and the ability to refine my passions. It then took me until June of 2022 to actually go through with updating my website and publishing it. In just these past few months, something changed in me. I found my voice. I recently re-imagined my blog to make it more professional and representative of a writer. It has been the single-greatest challenge yet most rewarding facet at this point in my life. Mom, dad, and Makayla, this is for you. You guys are there for me at my lowest moments, when I’m not a good person. I’m trying to become better than those moments. Thank you for giving me my life, and teaching me to put my soul into the world. Thank you for teaching me what it truly means to become everything I never thought I could be. I have yet so much to experience and learn. Making my blog is what it means for me to finally be fearlessly authentic and hold true to my convictions. It feels vulnerable to express myself for all to see and be open to criticism, but that is where real growth happens. Without further ado, welcome to my little piece of the universe—Lockheart Arden Publishing.
I am so excited you are here! Writing happens to be a hobby that is very near and dear to my heart. Writing and reading make me so excited, and here is where I would love to share my life, the things I have learned, along with topics such as self-love and my faith. I truly believe that sharing my life with other people is something very important in life, and this gives me a way to do that where I can express myself deeply and without hesitation. Life is too short to not pursue your passions. ♡
I have gone through so much in my life, and ultimately this is a way for me to turn my most negative experiences and emotional pain into something beautiful. It is only after you are in the middle of a storm that you can look back and see a garden full of roses, sunshine, and hope.
✨Quick Message: It took a year and a half of slow progress for my blog to be ready for me to share with the world. Through my writings, I hope to inspire people in any way that I can. Let this be a reminder that it is never too late for you to start whatever it is you want to start. Eventually, your dreams will be a reality as long as you make steady but slow progress.

“Oh dream maker, you heartbreaker. Wherever I’m going, I’m going your way.” –Audrey Hepburn
Please Support Me♥︎
My Ko-Fi account will be used for supporting my blog, Lockheart Arden Publishing, and this is a way I can save spending money for my future. While I engage in my passion for writing without the expectation of making any income, any small donations are immensely appreciated. ♥︎