Awareness on World Issues

In this section of my blog, I hope to bring to light the importance of various issues in the world. What inspired this was my exposure to Human Trafficking through a movie called, “The Sound of Freedom” in July of 2023. Even though we live in a fallen world, I hope to incorporate God’s love within my words and in raising awareness for the sufferings and evils of the world. Thank you very much for reading, and please share my words if you so feel compelled.

“The human spirit will not even begin to try to surrender self-will as long as all seems to be well with it. Now error and sin both have this property, that the deeper they are the less their victim suspects their existence; they are masked evil. Pain is unmasked, unmistakable evil; every man knows that something is wrong when he is being hurt.” –C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

Awareness on Human Trafficking
~Samantha Arden Lockheart~ ~Samantha Arden Lockheart~

Awareness on Human Trafficking

In this post, I express why it is so important to be aware of human trafficking, though I try to connect it with a hopeful message of God and His love.

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