Worthy of Love

In this post, I expand on a quote from Lacey Paige Ramburger.


Wow. This blog post will be a little short, but that is okay, considering some are fairly lengthy.

Anyways, I recently came across a little quote, and it turns out that is a quote I really needed to read. Here is the quote below, in italics.

“Love doesn’t leave a list of requirements before it decides to live within us… you deserve love because you are doing your best with everything that you know, and that makes you worthy of receiving it.”Lacey Paige Ramburger

This is very meaningful to me because I have always had this idea in my mind, that if I just try harder, if I say “X” or do “X”, someone will change their mind about me. For most of my young life, when it comes to love, I always start to try harder and pursue someone. I care about them, so I want to become more desirable to them, and this ends up being very fruitless. It is empty and it is lonely. It becomes self-defeating and desperate. As long as I attempt to enhance my heart and my soul for another person to see all that I can offer them and all that they mean to me, then they will change their mind about me. This is not the case. Convincing a person that you are something they can love is a very desolate road that has no resolution.☁️ You’re not a bad person for wanting someone who can not give you what you need. I know you care about them, I know. But you owe it to yourself to admit you deserve better. 

🥰an analogy: Stop accepting crumbs when you deserve the entire dang bread bowl (along with a warm chocolate chip cookie). You’re not a bad person for loving and feeling and loving deeply; it just means you experience the pain of wanting someone you can’t have a little more than other people. Love is a basic need of all humans. Don’t feel ashamed of that. Be proud of it. Because one day, you will have that love, and it will be better than you could have ever imagined. The first step is to actually, truly believe that you are worthy of love, and that you do not need to “earn” it to be worthy of receiving it. The second you try convincing someone that you are something they can love, that is the second you should realize that they are not the person for you.

You owe it to yourself for being with someone who wants you for the person you are, without you having to do a single little thing to try and change their perspective of you. Allow yourself to move on. As I said, I know you care about them. I know it hurts. I know the longing is there when you are all alone and seemingly every damn thing reminds you of them. But if someone wants to move on from you despite the love you wish you could give them, then that is their loss—not yours.

Most importantly, let people move on. Many factors influence love and relationships, some are more difficult to understand than others. It might hurt you, but try to just let go. It might be very difficult at first, but they are a person, too. You can not make that choice for someone, or any choices for someone—ever.

The beauty of love is letting it flow to you naturally. Take your time with it, and remind yourself of your worth every single day. Little things have helped me deal with various forms of heartbreak, such as watching a television series, reading romance books, drawing little hearts next to my favourite quotes in my books, and of course, eating melted chocolate off a spoon. And yes, all of those things happen to be my favourite ways of reminding myself that love exists all around me. 🥰

—Mini-essay by Samantha Fuchsgruber 

Date // 22. December 2022


~Samantha Arden Lockheart~

"She has been feeling it for awhile now—that sense of awakening. There is a gentle rage simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her—she will nurture it and let it grow. She won't let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel and finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core—this is her time. She will not only climb mountains—she will move them too." –Lang Leav ♥︎ Copyright © Samantha Arden Lockheart // Copyright © Samantha Ann Fuchsgruber [Founder of Lockheart Arden Publishing; Est. June 2021]


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